Last week we explained why displaying a full page popover immediately after a visitor arrives on your website is usually a terrible idea. But we acknowledge there are times when it is critical to get the user’s attention right away. In such instances, we recommend using a partial popover of some flavor that does not inhibit the visitor from reading what they came for or chase them away from the site.
Tag Archives: partial popover
Bad Popover Design
Popovers That Display Immediately – Does This Strategy Make Any Sense Whatsoever? (Hint: No)
In a world where people doing insane things is more and more common, we are hard pressed to think of a more insane marketing strategy than to show a full page popover IMMEDIATELY after a user arrives at a website. It’s like punching them in face. The number of websites that utilize this strategy is actually scary. In almost all cases, the mistake is compounded because there is no Persuasive Free Offer (PFO) attached to the popover. It’s just some lame attempt to get you to join their email newsletter. Ugh!
Inbound Marketing Techniques
Trending: Two Question Multi Page Popovers
New Inbound Marketing trends pop up all the time. (Pun not intended!) Recently, we’ve noticed an increasing number of websites that utilize two question or multi-page Popovers that only take up a small portion of the screen. This technique allows the site owner to segment data by asking two or more questions in a non-invasive way.
Case Study
Three Popover Examples From News Organizations: CNN, NY Times, The Guardian
The changing media landscape spawned fledgling business models and underscores the need for news organizations to monetize their website traffic. So it’s no surprise they often use popovers to convert readers into subscribers. In this blog post, we examine the popover techniques and Persuasive Free Offers (PFOs) utilized by CNN, the New York Times, and The Guardian.
Inbound Marketing Techniques
3 Flash Poll Examples: Amazon, Facebook, and Google
In this post, which continues our recent theme of Flash Polls, what they are and what insights they can deliver, we examine how Amazon, Facebook, and Google utilize Flash Polls.
Case Study
ESPN / Home Depot: Popover Banner Ad Example
Upon opening, a popover advertising products from Home Depot takes over about one third of the page (1a). The ad contains a “close” option in the top right corner, but it recedes to a horizontal banner format within a few seconds (1b). The message in the popover is reinforced by two vertical banners (2) and a rectangular ad further down the page (3).